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Graduation Requirements

Completing your master’s degree requirements is the responsibility of the student, in consultation with their program, to ensure that all requirements have been satisfied.

Once you have completed all your courses (8) and all other curriculum requirements, students should notify the program office and they will inform the School of Graduate Studies that you are ready to proceed to graduation.

Students are responsible for doing the following:

  • notifying the program office of your eligibility using the process posted within the Avenue to Learn, Virtual Office Convocation section,
  • indicating whether you will be attending the ceremony via the Graduation Information Centre Tile in Mosaic,
  • confirming your name on Mosaic is correct, as the name on your diploma will be exactly as shown on student records,
  • confirming your contact details on Mosaic located in your profile details and your address are also correct.

Note: All courses must be completed with at least a B- standing for ‘grade letter’ courses or ‘Pass’ for Pass/Fail courses.

Expandable List

A. Completion of five mandatory courses:

  1. HLTH MGT 700 / Health Systems and Policy Analysis
  2. HLTH MGT 705 / Evaluating Sources of Evidence for Management and Evaluation
  3. HLTH MGT 706 / Strategic Health Management Foundations
  4. HLTH MGT 707 / Accounting & Financial Foundations for Healthcare Management
  5. HLTH MGT 708 / Leadership in Health Organizations

B. Complete one elective course:

This may be chosen from among on-campus (e.g. Rehabilitation Science Program or Master of Business Administration Program), other distance education courses, including those offered by other universities, and may be geared towards the particular interests of the student. A list of pre-approved courses for electives is located on the Avenue to Learn Virtual office for MHM current students.

C. Completion of two additional half (3-unit) courses from the following list:

    1. HLTH MGT 731 / Economic Evaluation in Healthcare (only available to Part-time students)
    2. HLTH MGT 732 / Strategic Writing for Healthcare Professional
    3. HLTH MGT 733 / Knowledge Translation in Healthcare Practice and Management
    4. HLTH MGT 734 / Quality and Safety in Healthcare
    5. HLTH MGT 735 / Selected Topics in Healthcare Management and Leadership
    6. HLTH MGT 798 / Independent Experiential Study (only available to Part-time students)


7. HLTH MGT 730 Scholarly Paper (only available to Part-Time students). This course is equivalent two of the above courses as it is a 6-unit , two term course.

Note: Not all Year 3 Option courses will be available every year. Refer to the Mosaic course catalog for course availability.

D. School of Graduate Studies requires all McMaster graduate students to successfully complete two specific online modules to be deemed clear to graduate:

  1. SGS101 Academic Research Integrity and Ethics
  2. SGS201 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training

A. Completion of five mandatory courses:

  1. HLTH MGT 700 / Health Systems and Policy Analysis
  2. HLTH MGT 705 / Evaluating Sources of Evidence for Management and Evaluation
  3. HLTH MGT 706 / Strategic Health Management Foundations
  4. HLTH MGT 707 / Accounting & Financial Foundations for Healthcare Management
  5. HLTH MGT 708 / Leadership in Health Organizations

B. Complete one elective course:

  1. HLTH MGT 732 / Strategic Writing for Healthcare Professional (Note: This is predetermined for this stream)

C. Completion of two additional half courses from the following list:

  1. HLTH MGT 733 / Knowledge Translation in Healthcare Practice and Management
  2. HLTH MGT 734 / Quality and Safety in Healthcare

D. School of Graduate Studies requires all McMaster graduate students to successfully complete two specific online modules to be deemed clear to graduate:

  1. SGS101 Academic Research Integrity and Ethics
  2. SGS201 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training